Are You “On” On Your Day “Off”?
Is you day off about shores and getting things done? If so, when do you rejuvenate yourself? Do you think you can only relax when everything is done? There is a difference between relaxing and collapsing from exhaustion. Relaxing is a choice, collapsing is the inevitable state that is the result of overwork. How long can the cycle continue in your life?
When was the last time you experienced waking up slowly on the morning of your day off after letting yourself get some extra sleep? You make a cup of hot coffee and sit outside enjoying the fresh morning air, or linger in the moment thinking: what do I want to do today? Maybe take a walk on the beach, spend the afternoon with a book and a lawn chair under a big shady tree, or call a friend and spend hours just talking. Maybe do something spontaneous. Maybe do nothing.
Learning time management skills allows us to live in the present moment.
Time Management Tips
- Take a few minutes at the beginning of each day to write down your goals for that day.
- Prioritize the items on your to do list.
- Be realistic deciding what you can accomplish that day.
- Delegate tasks and ask for help whenever possible.
- Complete every task you start before going to the next one.
- Acknowledge completed tasks by rewarding yourself. You deserve it.
How to Make Life Simpler
Focus on less:
- Magazine subscriptions
- Credit cards
- Shopping
- Spending
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Professional Organizing Services. Professional Speaker.
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