Speaking Schedule

Susan Lovallo is a member of National Speakers Association. She is available to speak on organizing topics. Check out her speaking schedule for up-coming events.

  • Tue
    7:00 PM - 8:00 PMZoom.US

    Happy New Year! Have you made any resolutions for 2022? We are two weeks into the New Year, how are those 01-01-22 declarations going? Statistics say most folks have forgotten about them by now. To be honest, resolutions is not on my favorite word list. I prefer my organizing vocabulary to include stronger words like plan, map, blueprint. This gives me something concrete I can follow. And that is exactly what the FOCUS Organizers will be discussing at this months Minimal Quest (MQ) Discussion Group meeting. "My Minimalist Plan for 2022."

    Seana, Matt, and I would like you to know Dear-Fellow-Work-In-Progress Minimalist, that we are here for you in 2022. We are in this together. We travel this road too. Join us on Tuesday as we continue our journey together. Maybe you have not attended a MQ meeting in the past? No worries, jump in any time you are ready. You prefer to listen and not discuss? That's fine. All are welcome.

    Hope to Zoom with you on Tuesday!

    Happy Organizing and Happy Minimalizing,


    Zoom Meeting Link:


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    Password: 486036


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    Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kGBFQ3Fug


  • Tue
    7:00 PM - 8:00 PM ESTZoom.US

    Happy Almost Valentine's Day. Love is in the air here in want-to-be Minimalist Land. Can you feel it? It is the passionate, committed, deep in our soul love of organizing and decluttering and minimalism. This Tuesday at our Minimalist Discussion Group we will be discussing "Strategies for Letting Go." I found a bunch of quotes on the internet related to letting go. Maybe these authors did not intent to talk about our stuff, but see if you can connect any of these quotes to our things:

    "Holding on is believing that there's only a past: letting go is knowing that there's a future." Daphne Rose Kingma

    "Letting go gives us freedom and freedom is the only condition for happiness." Nhat Hanh

    "Anything that costs you your peace is too expensive...learn to let it go."  Unkown

    Well truly I did not set out to be so philosophical about organizing. But as organizers we believe that loving our stuff and letting go of the rest really does enhance our lives. Join us on Tuesday to discuss ways to make that happen.

    Hope to Zoom with you on Tuesday!

    Happy Organizing and Happy Minimalizing,




    Meeting ID: 832 8556 1433

    Password: 486036


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        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

  • Tue
    7:00 PM to 8:00 PMZoom

    Wow! Another fast summer and here are at the new season of the Minimal Quest Discussion Group. I have always felt that September is a mini New Year as it brings renewed energy and a sense beginning. Are you revved up about your fall organizing projects? The FOCUS Organizers can help with that! This months topic is When Organizing Isn't Minimalism. Yes, there is a difference between regular organizing and minimalism. Join the discussion this month to learn more.

    Happy Organizing and Happy Minimalizing,
